Sunday, February 17, 2008

the reminder

Im really pissed cause i just wrote almsot an entire blog on lisa's computer and my hand slid across the mousepad (laptop) and deleted the entire thing. how annoying.

anyway, i was just plugging my radio show. I have a school radio show that i am really enjoying! my show is on thursdays from 6-7pm on you have to have realplayer to watch (live webcam feed) or just listen to it while you work or whatever.
sometimes i don't think anyone listens to my show, just like no one reads this blog, but its stuff i do for myself. i used to write in a journal for many years, but i guess since i have gotten older and left my notebooks behind for computers, blogs just seem more convenient.

it'd be swell if you would listen to my show, or even come in and co-host one week. i think in the summer time i might try and get a volunteer spot on a show somwhere... so if anyone knows of any stations that are looking for some filler, let me know.
Im going to start posting my playlists from shows and post links to previous episodes if anyone is interested.

peace out


adamandjeremy said...

funny. we use to think the same thing about our radio show.

Anonymous said...

the fire burns forever

Anonymous said...

I love to listen in to your show when I can. It's always a lot of fun watching and listening to your daughter on the web. Keep rockin’ ya I know it’s a 70’s thing :)
