Friday, August 29, 2008


basically i want to live in nyc - i love that place. it was my second time to nyc, first time to soho, greenwich, upper east side and a chance to really explore central park. i'm posting some of my photos from my journey that i took with my sister. i seldom get to see her often, so its really nice when we can have a chance to get together and have some fun.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

bitch in the car

I am ready to fight this stupid biotch. I was having a pleasant bike ride home from the gym just now (along dundas near bahurst) and there is a strip of road that is totally torn up and impossible to ride on, so i was sticking out a bit into the road, but not into the 2nd lane, still in the lane closest to the sidewalk.
anyway, this lady sticks her head out her car window (passenger seat) and begins yelling at me "MOVE OVER MAN, MOVE OVER!!" and im like, "wtf, seriously? like I CAN."

ugh, i hated her.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I got my hands on my step-dads old Canon AE-1 ALR camera from the 70s, and took some photos. The film I used was expired by 4 years, but the pictures still turned out alright. I have a lot of learning to do when it comes to the analog methods of things because I have grown so accustomed to digital.. but i look forward to learning!
anyway, here are some goldies from the roll.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

bat for lashes

WHOA THIS VIDEO RULES! I pretty much love this video and want to make a bunch of videos like it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

raccoon invasion pt.ii!

so the little beast returned!

i thought raccoons only came out at night? this is the first time i have seen a raccoon out in the middle of the day, and he wasn't phased by ryan and i standing there either.

he's pretty cute.

I plan to record him any time i see him from now on... so keep posted!

raccoon invasion!

so, recently i have been hearing very loud sounds on my roof, and i was scared I had rats or something horrible in my walls. So my landlord came over and assured me it was only squirrels.
after closer inspection though.. i found what was making all the noise. check him out...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

good intentions

I made this short hand drawn animation for one of my classes this semester. I really enjoyed making it. It was a lot of work, but I'm happy with the final result.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

classic socks

so i started shooting my music video last week. Its turning out pretty good so far. Hopefully it doesn't suck! The video is for Cain and Abel, and I think they will like it. I shot on green screen and I'm going to animate the background.
I'm not finished shooting all the footage yet, but it should be done soon. Here are some pictures I took of the first shoot day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

toronto fire!

so, i woke up this morning to find that I couldn't go to work at my office located at queen and portland due to a massive fire.
The fire started between 5 and 6am.
I didn't have my camera on me at 8am, but i went back around 11:30am and this is what things looked like.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

the reminder

Im really pissed cause i just wrote almsot an entire blog on lisa's computer and my hand slid across the mousepad (laptop) and deleted the entire thing. how annoying.

anyway, i was just plugging my radio show. I have a school radio show that i am really enjoying! my show is on thursdays from 6-7pm on you have to have realplayer to watch (live webcam feed) or just listen to it while you work or whatever.
sometimes i don't think anyone listens to my show, just like no one reads this blog, but its stuff i do for myself. i used to write in a journal for many years, but i guess since i have gotten older and left my notebooks behind for computers, blogs just seem more convenient.

it'd be swell if you would listen to my show, or even come in and co-host one week. i think in the summer time i might try and get a volunteer spot on a show somwhere... so if anyone knows of any stations that are looking for some filler, let me know.
Im going to start posting my playlists from shows and post links to previous episodes if anyone is interested.

peace out

Friday, February 8, 2008


if you are looking to read a great graphic novel, you should look into reading Blankets by Craig Thompson. This book is really amazing. The drawings are just great and the story's not half bad either. A little depressing, but worth the read for sure. I especially love how in this novel you can spend as much or as little time you like on each page. I've attached some examples of his work from this particular story. One of my favourite reads... I think I may pick it up again sometime soon and give it another read. There's nothing like reading an old favourite. Its comforting I guess... since its predictable. Sometimes in life, a little predictability is nice.